Pillow Trouble!

>> Saturday, October 10, 2009

A couple years ago I've stitched a few toss pillow covers. Two of them, being smaller in size, I was able to finish - stuffing and all - and sold them in my Etsy shop with no problem. Today, I decided to finish the two toss pillows I have as well as the framed cross-stitch.

Well... The pillows are just NOT cooperating!! Either they are conspiring against me, or I've completely forgotten how to do this. Very aggravating, I assure you...

Of course, I could take the easy way and get some pillow forms and just stitch the cross-stitch pillow cover to its backing - but I cannot allow a couple of toss pillows to get the better of me... LOL

Coffee... I need coffee... Coffee will fix my dilemma :)


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