First week...

>> Friday, January 15, 2010

...back on 3rd shift is over! It wasn't that bad, I crashed no machines - though a clamp came loose and the drill went through it like butter... lol... But it felt great to be with people I used to work with, and see the sun rising each morning when I leave the plant :)

Here is my latest addition to my Valentine's Day cards - this one has a fun little surprise inside the pocket that IS the actual card! It was quite fun to do - though I need lots of practice. More photos can be seen HERE :)

My college advisor called me today to let me know I need to fill out another LOA form, an extension to the form I submitted in October 2009. The original form did not cover the few days in March, when my term actually starts... lol... I found it funny, but I'll fill it out and email it to him so he can take care of things on Monday...

Well, gotta go: fresh coffee, a half stitched card and "Becker" are ALL waiting for me


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