New Baby Cards

>> Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good morning, folks!

I hope your day started better than mine; a few things require some immediate attention and what do you know - due to finals this week, I am running extremely short on this precious commodity names TIME!!!! ughhhhh...

Here are two of my latest baby cards; I had a few that expired and my Baby Cards folder was getting a bit sad. I have a few more planned for the rest of the week, but I will post them as I get them listed. You can check out the listings HERE and HERE.

I've got to run to the Post Office to mail the 10 custom ordered bookmarks and a second package of 7 cards. Sometimes, it feels I sell these cards faster than I make them. Well, it's actually true - cross-stitching takes quite a bit of time to complete... And it takes me even longer, as I try to divide available time into many projects... I really need my vacation next week - 10 glorious, homework-free days!!!


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