How cold is it, really...?!

>> Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's a sunny, yet frigid Tuesday morning here in East Tennessee! I have to brave the 32F weather and go to the Post Office to mail out some packages. My toes are going cold just thinking of that :(

On January 1 and 2, 2010 my shop will go in "Vacation" mode, so I can get my inventory updated - though necessary, it's such a boring thing to do. I have been working on a couple new cross-stitch cards that need photos taking before inventory day... Oh, well it will be a fun couple of days - and then I return to work on the 4th! I was hoping to go to 3rd shift, but apparently that will not happen. Our 2nd shift team will get another technician, though, which is great because too many times we had to run by ourselves a "two techs" loop.

Well, got to go. Happy New Year, everyone :)


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