What a mess!!

>> Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The planned combining of Machining lines 4 and 6 started yesterday morning, with the transfer of machines from line 4 to their intended - and final - location to line 6. On paper, things were looking effortless... Needless to say, reality is completely different! Line 6 does not really have enough floor space to accept all the machines from the 4 stations (Rack Housing, Cylinder Tubes, Valves and Mounting Brackets).

As it is, the Valve stations on both lines are inoperative. Yes, we did bank quite a few thousands of valves in the last week, but apparently not enough for the daily ship-out orders. It's a mess at this point, and it is likely that in the next week it will only get more and more confusing and frustrating for us, Production Techs. I can only hope that this will all be ready for us by January 4th, when we return from Christmas shutdown - I get a headache just from getting moved from one line to another, trying to run the needed parts... LOL

Well, a pot of fresh coffee is waiting for me. I am trying to get a few New Year's cards stitched and listed in my shop, so I will be working on that for a few hours :)


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