July Sale!

>> Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I hope you are enjoying your visit to my FarAway Designs Cards shop and take advantage of the SALE going on this month! Check out your savings:

* 10% OFF any purchase between $10 and $20 (excluding shipping), plus a 20% OFF coupon on one future purchase.

* 20% OFF any purchase over $20 (excluding shipping), plus a 20% OFF coupon for one future purchase.

* any purchase up to $10 will receive a 20% coupon good for one future purchase.

*** Discounts will be refunded to your PayPal account. If paying by credit card or prefer that I recalculate the amount for you and send you a new invoice, please let me know in a brief convo) ***



beautiful you...

>> Saturday, May 22, 2010

Taking advantage of the fact that I did not have to work overtime this weekend, I sat myself down at my crafting table - and had a most productive night! Of course, that was helped by the fact that I was able to take a couple of hours nap, right after we had dinner :)

I worked mostly on fresh colored, bright and bold summertime notecards, embellished tags and regular sized cards, so keep an eye on my post to see them all!

"beautiful you" is a small 3.5in by 4.25in note card, most suitable to add to a gift or drop in a friend's bag. To read all the details, check out the listing HERE.


Spend $5, Get $5!

>> Monday, May 10, 2010

FarAway Designs 5 Spot Sale!

Saturday, May 15th Only!

Spend $5 in an Etsy Greetings Team  participating shop and receive a $5 gift certificate toward your next purchase of $10 or more!


New Arrival cards

>> Sunday, May 2, 2010

A happy event is always an inspirational start point on what I will create next for my shop, and so is this! Jim's son is expecting his first child, a little baby boy. As I made a card to attach to the baby gift I am sending Joey, Amanda and baby Chastin, I have decided to create two cards for my shop as well. "Baby Girl" and "Baby Boy" are the latest additions to my "Baby cards" section - so stop on by and check it out!


Meow... Meow...

>> Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Odd Friends" and "At Play" are two of my latest cross-stitch cards additions. They are simply adorable, are they not? They are the perfect touch to send to any cat lover...

One cat is not trouble, and two are so funny,
The third one is easy, the fourth one's a honey
The fifth is delightful, the sixth ones's a breeze.
You find you can live with a houseful, with ease.
   "Why Own a Cat?" ~ Author Unknown

You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals.
    ~ George Mikes from "How to be decadent"


Teapots stitchery

>> Friday, April 23, 2010

These adorable teapots remind me of summer, and sweet iced tea, and heat - too much heat... Check out "Birdhouse Teapot" and "Watermelon Teapot", then tell me what you think :)


Soul nourishment

>> Thursday, April 22, 2010

Do something silly today, the pure act of being silly can reset our serious nature and help create the shift we need.

Children appreciate all that is silly as a matter of course. Their grasp of humor is instinctual, and even the smallest absurdities provoke joyous gales of earnest laughter. As we age, this innate ability to see the value of silliness can diminish. Work takes precedence over play, and we have less incentive to exercise our imaginative minds by focusing on what is humorous. When we remember childhood, we may recall the pleasures of donning funny costumes, reciting nonsense poems, making up strange games, or playing pretend. This unabashed silliness nourished our vitality and creativity. We can take in this nourishment once again by giving ourselves permission to lighten up and be silly.

Too often we reject the wonderful silliness that is an inherent, inborn aspect of the self because we believe that it serves no purpose or is at odds with the grown-up culture of maturity. We play yet we do not lose ourselves in play, and our imaginations are never truly given free reign because we regard the products of irrational creativity as being valueless. Yet silliness itself does indeed constitute a vital part of human existence on a myriad of levels. Our first taste of ethereal bliss is often a consequence of our willingness to dabble in what we deem outrageous, nonsensical, or absurd. We delight in ridiculousness not only because laughter is intrinsically pleasurable, but also because it serves as a reminder that existence itself is fun. Skipping, doodling, and singing funny songs are no less entertaining than they were when we were children. We need not lose all interest in these cheerful and amusing activities, but to make them a part of our lives we must be ready to sacrifice a little dignity and a lot of fear.

It is precisely because so much of life is inescapably serious that silliness should be regarded as a priority. Through the magic of imagination, you can be or become anything—a photographer, a professional athlete, a dancer, a pilot. Whether you take hundreds of silly pictures, revel in the adulation of your fans as you make the winning catch, boogie down rock-star style in front of your bedroom mirror, or turn your desk into a cockpit, the ensuing hilarity will help you see that lighthearted fun and adulthood are not at all incompatible.


New Zodiac cards

>> Thursday, April 8, 2010

In the last couple of weeks I have decided that I needed to re-do all my photos in my Etsy shop. As I could not afford a lightbox at this time, I've improvised a bit. Although I am pleased with the way the new photos turned out, I know I am far, far from taking perfect photos. I'll keep working on it :)

Cancer Zodiac and Virgo Zodiac have been added to my cross-stitch Zodiac cards this week; a couple more Zodiac cards are ready to be photographed, resized then listed. However, this terms' classes are sapping all my available time. Working overtime this weekend - although a welcome from a financial standpoint - is not helping me with doing my new listings. I have got to learn the wonders of Time Management...


Do not...

>> Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do not...
undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.

Do not...
set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.

Do not...
take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless.

Do not...
let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past not for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

Do not...
give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other.

Do not...
be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Do not...
shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give love; The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.

Do not...
dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope. To be without hope is to be without purpose.

Do not...
run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going.


Car woes - Life's answers

>> Thursday, April 1, 2010

There has been a lot of news coverage on a particular car maker's woes with their cars suddenly accelerating. SUA or Sudden Unintended Acceleration is actually nothing new. It's been going on for decades and not just in cars. We have SUA in our lives when things speed up out of control.

Experts suggest these steps if you experience SUA. As I analyzed the suggestions, they don't just apply to uncontrolled and unintended car acceleration, but these steps apply when things speed out of control in all areas of life.

1. Practice Deliberate Calm

Survivors of major disasters had this one trait in common. They didn't panic. This is the first major rule; stay calm, think and don't do something rash and unwise. Practice deliberate calm.

2. Don't turn off the engine.

The engine provides power to the power steering and brakes. If you turn off the engine, braking and steering become much harder. In life, when situations suddenly change speed, we can be tempted to simply turn off the engine. If something happens at our job that we don't like, we quit. If something happens in our marriage that we don't like, we quit. If something happens in our church that we don't like, we stop going to church. We turn off the engine.

3. Carefully press and hold the brakes.

Do not pump the brakes; press firmly with both feet on the brake. Changing speed and direction often takes time and considerable steady effort. The results of panic or emotion can be inconsistent stops and starts. When we have a health scare we start to eat right and exercise, then a few weeks later we stop. We pump the brakes but don't apply steady and consistent pressure and effort.

4. Shift into neutral.
Disengage from the thing that is causing so much havoc if possible. So many negative situations would be eliminated by the simple act of saying "No!"

5. Move safely into a side lane.
Many situations do require that we exit them when it is safe and wise to do so. When you practice deliberate calm, you can best determine when that time comes for you to shift lanes.

Follow the five rules above whenever you experience Sudden Unintended Acceleration - your life will Thank you for it!


Wide-Open Future

>> Saturday, March 27, 2010

Do you feel the urge to expand your horizons today? You may be compelled to travel; delve into a new discipline; or explore new professional, educational, and personal goals. As you open yourself to new discoveries, try not to engage in self-limiting behaviors. If you are able to approach your broadening worldview with an eye toward unlimited possibilities, you may be driven to pursue goals that once seemed impossible. You can teach yourself to discard limited thinking by exploring the dreams of your childhood. Should you discover that it isn’t difficult to figure out the steps you need to take to attain your goals, your confidence may flourish today.

By looking at the future as a tapestry of unlimited possibilities, you allow yourself to dream and explore without limits. By not constraining yourself, you grant yourself the freedom to explore different prospects and set elaborate goals for yourself. When you view the future as unwritten and thus malleable, you can feel like anything is possible. This freedom can inspire you to joyfully consider lifestyles and perspectives that may have previously seemed unrealistic. You’ll begin to realize that the only factor putting a restriction on the achievement of your goals is your own uncertainty and that your potential is as limitless as you wish it to be. Today, view life as a series of endless possibilities and no course of action will be closed to you.


Easter bookmarks :)

>> Friday, March 5, 2010

Two of my favorite bookmarks sold about 10 days ago - I was sad to see them go! Both of them are in my "To Finish" stack, of course... Actually, I have just completed " Easter Cross" yesterday before heading out to work, and started stitching "HE Is Risen Indeed" when I got home this morning. I love those weekends when the "To Do" list is full, but the sun is shining, the coffee smells divine, and everything seems to be falling into place!


Giveaway card I won :)

>> Saturday, February 20, 2010

I don't often participate in giveaways, because I always end up not winning... lol... However, when I read about the card giveaway on Curious Gravy, I just had to check it out! I've never heard of linocut cards before... I fell in love with this sunny, bright card so I entered the giveaway - and for the first time ever, I finished winning a bit of Sunshine! I am simply delighted :)

Jenn creates her cards from linoleum blocks which she designs and carves by hand in her own studio - and what a fantastic job she does! Check out her Etsy shop, Curious Gravy - hand printed note cards for a awesome variety of designs and colors!


Masculine card

>> Friday, February 19, 2010

I will admit: I am not very good at creating cards geared toward the male gender, although I do like the fact that I have to work without lots of frou-frou (bows, bright colors, embellishments, etc). I've used layers in three different colors, a soft yellow silk ribbon and three bling crystals in a smoky brown (though they looked more like metal when the camera flash hit them...)

I've made this card to send to my physical therapist and his office staff; their help didn't solve my back problems, but they cared enough to suggest that they might not be able to assist me at this point in time.


Spring Scrapbook Giveaway!

>> Friday, February 12, 2010

Check out this awesome "Spring Scrapbook Giveaway" on Gen's Scrapbook Kitchen blog! I'm so ready for spring crafting, aren't you...?


Doctor's visit...

Yesterday I went to see a doctor in regards to my back pain - finally! Well, the initial visit was with a nurse practitioner, who took down the details of my fall two months ago, level of pain I am in, what I've been doing to correct the problem, and so forth... I had an Xray done and she showed me what she called bone spurs on three of my vertebrae - resulting from a degenerative disc disease. I have been taught to do some new stretching exercises, this time with moist heat applied on my back. Also, I've got a prescription for two meds, Flexeril & Mobic, to take instead of Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Flexeril is a muscle relaxant (take three times a day) and Mobic is an anti-inflammatory, usually used for arthritic pain (take one pill daily). I took the Flexeril when I got home, and I was still groggy by the time I had to get ready for work... I have not been able to stay awake and aware for more than two hours since 10pm last night.

I'll see how I do the rest of the weekend, before calling the doctor's office for advice...


Halfway through the week...

>> Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It snowed here this morning; there were big, wet , fluffy snowflakes coming down tirelessly when I got off work. Then, I get to my car and the magic stops: doors were both frozen shut! I was lucky one fellow from Maintenance was passing by and being the ever helpful Southerner man, he got the driver's door open so I can get in and go home :)

Sadly, the weather - and my bad, hurting back - keeps interfering with my accomplishing things. I have quite a few cards, cross-stitch and paper crafted, that are finished and in need of photos so they can be posted in my shop. I have also been considering deleting all my linkware web sets and developing my website into a card shop. It does not take a long time to do so (maybe a weekend), but I cannot sit on my office chair for long stretches - nor do I seem to have the energy. I should be looking into taking some B12 supplements, at least until winter is over with...



>> Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's been raining on and off the whole day and it doesn't look as if it will stop anytime soon. It has been so overcast that it looks leke early evening rather than just past 4pm. I love the rain, but this is a bit much - I would love to see the sun for an hour or two :(

I went to therapy this morning; it was my 6th session and my back pain doesn't show any improvement. Last night at work, the simple act of coughing made my back muscles spasm so badly, I could hardly walk for the next 30min. After talking with Danny and updating him on this, he told me he'll discuss with the plant nurse to have a doctor appointment set up for me...


Weight Watchers meeting :)

>> Monday, February 8, 2010

Just got back from our weekly Weight Watchers meeting - I've lost 3.5lb this week! Seems that 3lb was what most people lost, with one gal losing 6.2lb and another only 1lb. Following the Points system takes a bit of getting used to, and so does learning what a portion REALLY is. I've bought some aditional booklets, so now I have reading material for lunch time.

Dinner tonight will be grilled chicken breast with couscous and grilled vegetables, plus cantaloupe. Been told I've got to eat ALL the points I have, every day - or might gain (rather than lose) weight... Hmmmmm...

I need to get some more sleep; the two hours I got after work are NOT enough :(



>> Saturday, February 6, 2010

I have found the sentiment on the die cut I've used on this card simply delightful - and so befitting my best friend! So, I've decided to take it out of my shop and send it to her, a "just because" occasion :)

Last night I've worked on a few new cards and tonight will be most likely spent in a similar fashion. I might work on my cross-stitch cards rather than the paper craft cards, but I will keep busy.

It got pretty cold outside, after the rain stopped late last night. We have a day to attempt drying out, then we'll get more rain. All would be great, if only the variations in temperatures wouldn't drive my whole body batty. I feel a cold coming and I'm not happy about it - it saps all my energy!

My physical therapist has changed my exercise regimen, in an attempt to alleviate this persistent back pain. He now thinks that added to the muscle strain after the fall 6 weeks ago, I could have a pinched nerve somewhere. Trouble is the pain is going down the back of my right tight and my toes are numb 75% of the time...


Taking care of myself :)

>> Monday, February 1, 2010

My plant decided to sponsor us in enrolling in WeightWatchers and I've decided to enroll. We are having weekly meetings and they will - of course - weigh us in every week... They provide us with items we can - or not - purchase to assist us in our learning better & healthier eating habits, and ultimately, our weight loss. Now, I'm not hoping that I will get to my high school graduation (before getting married and having two children...) weight. But for my well being, I can stand to lose a few pounds...

So, I'm off to read again my booklets and learn about all the foods and the points. It might be bit boring in the beginning, but from skimming through the booklet, the food follows common sense principles: you reduce the amount of sugar, salt and fat, increase the amount of fiber and water, and you will lose weight. So, I'll let you know next Monday how things are going :)


Snow storm 2010 :)

>> Friday, January 29, 2010

It's been SNOWING for more than 2hrs here in East Tennessee! The ground is covered, most of the driveway is covered and so are the cars - and the snow keeps falling!

I took a short nap after talking with Jim; now I'm ready to fix some fresh coffee and sit down and make some cards. I have finally received my Stampin' Up order yesterday, after being on the phone with UPS and the driver of the truck that said I was NOT home to sign for my package! I have also received my very first order from Verve Stamps - I have purchased their whole "New Release Bundle" and I have to say I am quite pleased with the whole package, as well as the customer service (one of the stamp collection had a small misspelling, so they will send me a replacement as soon as possible...) Now, all I need is learn how to use my Copic markers and I'll be all set! lol

Coffee... I need coffee...


Hearts for Haiti - part 2

>> Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today I've decided to donate two more cards to Hearts for Haiti. These two cards are similar to the cards I've posted today in my Etsy shop, but with different stamped sentiments.

As of January 27, 2010 "Hearts for Haiti" raised over $20,000 in sales from donated items!!


Physical therapy

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Five weeks after slipping on a puddle of oil at work, my back is still a mess. It actually hurts worse now than a few weeks ago... We've tried conservative treatment, we've tried Biofreeze, we've tried a series of exercises meant to strengthen abdominal and back muscles... Nothing has helped so far, so the nurse at work sent me to start physical therapy. After the assessment, Danny hooked me up to a neat little device and placed some pads on my lower back - then the fun began! Creepy-crawly sensation that lasted 15min! Thank goodness I was laying down on the heat pad! Almost fell asleep :)

I have two more appointments this week: Thursday at 9am and Friday at 9:30am... This week we started working a 9hrs shift, which means by 7am I'm pooped, so going to therapy will end up in my falling asleep, at some point. Oh, well - they'll wake me up when time is up :)


Checkered Hearts :)

>> Sunday, January 24, 2010

As I seem to be in a "Valentine's Day" frame of mind, I just had to do something else than a card - so here it is: a Valentine's Day bookmark!

Most of last night, while Jim was peacefully sleeping (sadly, with the aid of two Tylenol PM... lol), I sat down to my recently cleaned craft table, went through my stash of cardstock and patterned paper and created three designs of Valentine's Day cards. They might end up having different sentiments but they can be used for many occasions. I do have to confess, it was not easy working on those cards - I would much rather hoard said cardstock and petterned papers, but alas, I am running out of space to store them! They are not finished yet, but I'll get them posted as soon as I get the sentiment labels stamped and cut :)


Hearts for Haiti donation :)

>> Saturday, January 23, 2010

One of my card donations to Hearts for Haiti, "Wagon full of hearts Cross-stitch card", sold this morning! My very first Canadian customer EVER - even if not directly from my shop! LOL... Monday will be a busy Post Office day...


Stampin' Up :)

>> Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I absolutely love the Stampin' Up! products, though I never thought I knew enough about card making or stamping to order any of their awesome products! Well, today I decided I just had to order some of their specialty paper; I did and then some! LOL

This weekend I am planning to create some cards to donate to Hearts for Haiti. It will be my first such venture, but it is for a most worthy cause :)

Well, got to finish my laundry, get more coffee, eat some breakfast then attempt to get some rest. Y'all be good now and stay warm and dry (it's an absolutely beautiful morning here, but we are expected to have two days of heavy rain...)


First week...

>> Friday, January 15, 2010

...back on 3rd shift is over! It wasn't that bad, I crashed no machines - though a clamp came loose and the drill went through it like butter... lol... But it felt great to be with people I used to work with, and see the sun rising each morning when I leave the plant :)

Here is my latest addition to my Valentine's Day cards - this one has a fun little surprise inside the pocket that IS the actual card! It was quite fun to do - though I need lots of practice. More photos can be seen HERE :)

My college advisor called me today to let me know I need to fill out another LOA form, an extension to the form I submitted in October 2009. The original form did not cover the few days in March, when my term actually starts... lol... I found it funny, but I'll fill it out and email it to him so he can take care of things on Monday...

Well, gotta go: fresh coffee, a half stitched card and "Becker" are ALL waiting for me


Learning curve...

>> Monday, January 11, 2010

Trying to keep my promise to myself to learn and try new things... As Valentine's Day is just a month away, I've decided to try my hand at creating a Valentine's Day card that is NOT cross-stitch. I've used watercolor, dimentional piecing, punches, diecutting labels, stamping - even sponging edges and embellishing with brads and bling! I like the way it turned out, even if I can see areas I can improve on. You can see it HERE :)


Forever Adore Pocket card

>> Saturday, January 9, 2010

In the past, I have never really thought that burnt orange and light blue would work together, but looking at these latest cards I realized that the colors used offer contrast and POP!

Another pocket card, with a stamped and embellished tag tucked away inside a decorated side-cut pocket.

You can take a closer look at this and other photos HERE.


Valentine, Valentine...

>> Friday, January 8, 2010

I have been working on Valentine's Day cards and this is the last card listed in my Etsy shop - here is where you can take a detailed look. Though is not created in the traditional white, pink, red (and the occasional black... lol) color pallette, the sentiment stamped on the pocket tag says it all!


Trying new things...

>> Friday, January 1, 2010

One of my New Year resolutions (besides the usual one regarding healthy eating, weight reducing and activity increasing... lol) is to get over my fear of trying my hand at new things. Than includes working with stamps, coloring them with watercolors or my Copics, and learning the awesome braying techniques of Michelle Zindorf's of Freedom in Creating. So last night, after finishing 5 cards, I took a Manila tag, and did a Wrinkle Free Distressed look on the front of it (Sherry Cheever's tutorial). On the back I've tried my hand at brayering (check out any of Michelle's tutorials).

It turned out OK, especially the watercolored rose - but I am a far ways to go before reaching an intermediate level. However, in the process of learning all these neat things I've realized that I need to spend some serious money to get the necessary ink pads & reinkers... LOL

Well, fresh coffee is waiting for me, as it will be another long night :)


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