Halfway through the week...

>> Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It snowed here this morning; there were big, wet , fluffy snowflakes coming down tirelessly when I got off work. Then, I get to my car and the magic stops: doors were both frozen shut! I was lucky one fellow from Maintenance was passing by and being the ever helpful Southerner man, he got the driver's door open so I can get in and go home :)

Sadly, the weather - and my bad, hurting back - keeps interfering with my accomplishing things. I have quite a few cards, cross-stitch and paper crafted, that are finished and in need of photos so they can be posted in my shop. I have also been considering deleting all my linkware web sets and developing my website into a card shop. It does not take a long time to do so (maybe a weekend), but I cannot sit on my office chair for long stretches - nor do I seem to have the energy. I should be looking into taking some B12 supplements, at least until winter is over with...


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