Happy Thanksgiving!

>> Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am thankful today for family and friends, for having a job that might not be easy to do, but puts a roof over my head and food on my table. I am thankful for being able to continue to education. I am thankful for my blessings and for having in my life people that think I do matter as a person. And last, I am thankful for having a long weekend.

I started cooking as soon as I got home from work: the ham is in the oven (someone please tell me why did I grab the spiral sliced one...), the chicken and dumplings (Jim's favorite no matter the occassion... lol...) is simmering... The turkey breasts and all the trimming will be done later on today... It promises to be a busy, busy day :)

Happy and safe Thanksgiving to y'all!


Theresa MacNaughton November 26, 2009 at 4:36 PM  

Hope you are enjoying the holiday! Sincerely, Theresa

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