Three more Mini Samplers

>> Sunday, September 13, 2009

Here are the next three months from my Mini Samplers collection. It was fun to go from one month to the next, as if I was travelling through seasons faster than ever!

Still working on my Custom Order; I have 5 of 10 bookmarks completed so far. This weekend hasn't been too productive - I had lots due in Illustrator, which takes lots of Do's and Undo's. I am finished with those assignments, so I can focus on my order, then later on on my inventory. LOL... It's not easy jumping from one thing to another.

Yesterday I decided to enjoy the last sounds of summer and put couple of handfulls of sunflower seeds on my back patio. This morning, there is this brown colored cardinal (a female, I assume) chirping up a storm right next to the seeds. It only started eating after another cardinal flew over. I poured myself a cup of fresh coffee and enjoyed my morning... I'm thinking that maybe I should get a bag of birdfeed for the winter :)


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